"Ação e Reação" (Um Paralelo Entre as Leis Físicas e Morais e a Importância do Perdão) Sunday | July 24th | 9:00AM - 12:30PM 642 Quarry Road, Suite C, San Carlos, CA *** This seminar will be held in Portuguese *** Join us for a seminar in Portuguese with Flávio Zanetti about action and reaction, based on the book by André Luiz and Chico Xavier.
The seminar will last approximately 3 hours. There will be time to socialize during the break and afterwards. RSVP and invite your family and friends here. We ask that you bring 4 pounds of non-perishable food to support our food drive campaign with Second Harvest Food Bank. *** Copies of the book "Ação e Reação" will be on sale for $16 (Amazon price) ***